KANE COUNTY Volunteerism Challenge

VIBE Whole Health and SAO both believe that it is good for the soul to give back to the community. With the volunteerism challenge, you will have the opportunity to get involved in the community while involving family and friends. For the months of November and December you can participate in volunteering for a cause that is close to you and earn a half a day off. VIBE has also provided a list of local organizations. At the end of each month, please let your manager know that you helped an organization that month to receive your half day off work for participation.
Please pick a volunteer opportunity that you care about and contact them directly about their COVID restrictions. Below is a list of ideas.
Lazarus House– offers community, food, shelter, clothing, and advocacy services with an open and non-judgmental heart.
Get Involved – Lazarus House Ministries
Kane Co CASA– is a Guardian ad Litem, nonprofit volunteer organization that advocates for the best interests of children in abuse, neglect and private guardianship cases within the Juvenile Court system.
Volunteer – CASA Kane County Website
Mutual Ground- Mutual Ground’s Breaking Free program provides services for those struggling with substance use disorder and addiction.
Northern Illinois Food Bank- Our vision at Northern Illinois Food Bank is for everyone in Northern Illinois to have the food they need to thrive. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and proud member of Feeding America, we serve our neighbors in 13 counties with dignity, equity and convenience, providing 250,000 meals a day.
Volunteer Opportunities | Northern Illinois Food Bank (solvehungertoday.org)
Cals Angels – is a 501 (c) (3) pediatric cancer foundation with a mission of granting wishes, raising awareness, and funding research to help kids fighting cancer.
Cal’s Angels | Volunteer (calsangels.org)
Ronald McDonald House Charities– RMHC programs help alleviate some financial burdens for families with sick children. We help our families save nearly over $443 million in hotel and meal expenses.
Volunteer Opportunities with Ronald McDonald House | RMHC
Kane Senior Council – Prepare and deliver meals to Seniors in the area
Get Involved at KSC – Kane Senior Council
Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry– This past year, the Aurora Food Pantry saw the need for food assistance skyrocket due to the pandemic; through the tremendous support of the community, we have fed approximately 282,500 individuals since March of 2020 and distributed enough food for 2.9 million meals.
– Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry (aurorafoodpantry.org)
Almost home foundation– For 16 Years, Almost Home Foundation has been committed to reducing the number of homeless and unwanted companion animals through education programs, spay/neuter programs, and the responsible rehoming of dogs and cats through our adoption program.
Volunteer Opportunities – Almost Home Foundation
Anderson Animal Shelter– Our extensive volunteer program enables individuals or groups to become involved in helping the shelter according to their own personal interests and talents. The volunteer program is for adults (ages 16+) and offers individuals the opportunity to work on behalf of the shelter’s animals to make a positive impact in our community.
VOLUNTEER | Help animals in need. They need YOU. (andersonanimalshelter.org)
Fur Angels Animal Sanctuary- Fur Angels Animal Sanctuary is an all volunteer foster based animal rescue network based in Illinois and Northwest Indiana.
Volunteer – Fur Angels Animal Sanctuary (furangelsas.com)
United Way Fox Valley- Find your perfect volunteer experience at Volunteer Fox Valley. Volunteer Fox Valley is your virtual volunteer resource center – the place to find opportunities to make a difference in your Fox Valley Community! Volunteer Fox Valley can connect you to the volunteer opportunities you are looking for!
Get connected to volunteer opportunities in your community – Fox Valley United Way
Other opportunities include Senior Living Facilities, and local hospitals.